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1pageplan demo

This is the individual page for personal focus and motivation, which when part of the 1pagetean is visuable for all the team.

1pageteam demo

This is the 1page type of business plan and dashboard.


Driven To Make High-Performance Easy

Our purpose is to make life, sport and business easy, using the 1PagePlan tools to help tap into the high-performance state of relaxed focus and ‘flow’. A proven method of accountability and focus, awakening the emotions driving action, to more efficiently achieve our goals. Built on growing the self-belief and inner-trust to more quickly achieve the desired results.

About Us

1PagePlan History

Originally the 1PagePlan web-based motivation tools were created in 2003, then known as a Motivation Map by Rob Robertson as a method of goal setting and accountability for his clients. Over time as these tools have evolved, the 1PagePlan brand has become a better reflection of the power of these tools to make success in life, sport and/or business easier and more predictable.

Contact Us

Talks to a 1PageCoach today about getting assistance to help you reach your desired intentions and goals.

+64 21 367 411

801/85 Beach Road, Auckland Central, 1010, New Zealand

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